Global Config
This allows you to add some sensible defaults to your Progressive Image Component.
Note: Image elements props have higher priorities than the props passed to the global config
Config Structure:
* @function config
* @instance instance
* @prop {String} className - The default className's for your PIMG(s)
* @prop {String} placeholderClassName - The default placeholder className's for your image(s)
* @prop {Boolean | Object} dataSaver - Choose to use dataSaver mode
* @prop {String} dataSaver.wrapperClassName - DataSaver wrapper className
* @prop {String} dataSaver.buttonClassName - DataSaver button className
You can make use of the global config this way:
const { config } from 'pimg';
const ImageDefaults = config({
className: "myImage",
placeholderClassName: "myPlaceholderImage",
dataSaver: {
wrapperClassName: "myWrapperClassName",
buttonClassName: "myButtonClassName"
Quick Note: Component props has higher priority than global config.
className = 'pimg';
dataSaver = false;
placeholderClassName = 'pimg__thumbnail';
/* If dataSaver is set to true */
dataSaver = {
wrapperClassName = "pimg_wrapper",
buttonClassName = "pimg_btn"